What People Are Saying


June C. 

Jacqui has tremendous knowledge about the physical and energetic bodies, plus years of experience, that give her the unique ability to get to the emotional root of physical ailments. She can help release deep emotions that get stuck in certain parts of the body, and can help create an opening for emotional and physical healing. Sometimes a session with Jacqui includes a good, cleansing cry, for which she offers a safe and secure space for healing and releasing. Thank you, Jacqui!


Lois M.

While I was at my first chemotherapy session, Jacqui did a Distance Body Talk session with me. It was very soothing and peaceful and helped me relax and focus on healing rather than the chemicals that were entering my body. She has a strong intuitive sense of where to focus and I found it very helpful.  

Crystal H.

During my first full session with Jacqui, I dropped down into a deep meditative state in which I saw a recurring image of a lotus flower mandala. After our session, Jacqui told me she had "seen" a shining white lotus flower blooming from within my heart chakra and third eye. We were both awestruck sharing such a powerful experience! This epiphany made me realize my "essence" is part of the universe that is untouchable and pure. It made me feel safe enough to examine all the false beliefs I've carried in my subconscious from a dysfunctional childhood, multiple traumatic events, society, etc. Without this intense feeling of knowing my true "being," I wouldn't have been able to start the process of transforming these false beliefs to beliefs that represent my true self. This has been a MAJOR breakthrough for me. I'm grateful to the universe for bringing Jacqui into my life, and so thankful to Jacqui for using her healing gifts to bring me awareness of my true self, my essence. 😊❤️🌟 

Gail W.

The release came just about the time I was putting on my make up in the Toys R Us parking lot. My heart is lighter thanks to you. Love you.

Cheryl L.

Jacqui listens quietly and carefully to your words as you describe your needs and expectations.  She also listens to your body as she begins her work.  Jacqui brings to the table her years of training in a wide range of modalities, her intuitive skills and the wisdom of her experience.  Any time spent with her is time well spent.

Over the years, Jacqui has helped me with her versatile skills by way of lymph drainage, cranial sacral therapy and deep tissue massage. I appreciate her sensitive way of reading the body and providing what's needed in the moment. Now, the moment is this Covid crisis. We have scheduled two remote healing sessions that I have found helpful. I am aware of subtle changes in my body and feel rested. Some time afterwards, I will check back with Jacqui to discuss her observations and suggestions for ways to extend the benefit of the treatment.

April F. 

Jacqui quickly and accurately finds the core of the issue. Her treatments are effective and supportive. She has so much experience and it shows. She offers what is needed without wasting time on extraneous things. Highly Recommended!

Gwynn K.

About four years ago, I developed a dreadful bronchial cough after losing my beloved Vizla dog. The congestion lingered on for months, as I grieved our loss. Many different homeopathic remedies were tried but none really made me well, until I happened into Jacqui’s office. Or son had met her and recommended that I go see her. I think it was my second or third visit, Jacqui was working her magic which she said was a combination of Lymph Drainage Therapy and Craniosacral Therapy. Suddenly she quietly commented “there I believe its gone”, and sure enough as I was driving home I breathed in deeply and yes my chest was clear and I could at last take a good, clear deep breath and have continued to do so. I am still very impressed with her skill and willingness to stay informed, attending workshops, clinics etc. which keep her always actively learning as she assists her clients in their healing.

Roz R.

One application of BodyTalk  by practitioner Jacqui Linder, programmed at my weekly massage session, greatly improved my performance in three important athletic events in the winter of 2002. In the February Gasparilla 15K road race I placed in the top 5 in my age group, despite a recovering pulled hamstring. The Body Talk treatment allowed my pace and breathing to synchronize.

Running my 19th consecutive Boston marathon with a comparative lack of training due to the hamstring injury, The Body Talk treatment gave me endurance to have a kick at mile 25 to finish in 4 hours to requalify for my 20th Boston marathon.

In my opening triathlon event of the 2002 season, St. Anthony’s Triathlon in St. Pete, the Distance Body Talk treatment gave me a surge of competitive drive to catch all the 50-54 year old women on the bike, and run after they exited the swim before me. I was in 10th position out of the water and finished 1st in the age group. Body Talk administered by Jacqui Linder connects me to the wisdom in my body needed in individual race events.

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