November 11, 2022

What is power? How do we define when someone is powerful or not powerful? First, ... Read More


January 18, 2022

What do people mean by embodiment?Here is my take on it. When we are embodied, ... Read More


June 1, 2021

Energy is an integral part of our lives.It flows through and around us all the ... Read More

The Healing Power of Energy

March 5, 2021

Ever go to the health food store and just get overwhelmed by all the choices ... Read More

Are You Sneezing Yet?

January 19, 2021

Women's bodies in their highest level of energy and health are fluid, flexible, and feel ... Read More

My Lymph Drainage Technique to Do at Home

January 15, 2021

I wanted to share some information on how Covid is affecting people as they recover. ... Read More

Some Thoughts on Covid From a Manual Therapist

October 22, 2020

I hope you are safe and well. I wanted to share some self healing techniques that ... Read More

Self-healing with Ayurvedic Tapping

October 13, 2020

Are you feeling overwhelmed yet? Are you feeling boxed into a tiny space of cultural ... Read More

Energy Healing: Is it Voodoo? No. Can you do it? Absolutely.

September 3, 2020

Mind-Body connection.  What is it? Why is it so important? How does this knowledge help ... Read More

Working Inside My Mind

July 28, 2019

New beginnings need a kick-off point. I will be going to the beautiful Esalen Institute ... Read More

Postcards from the Edge