Postcards from the Edge

New beginnings need a kick-off point. I will be going to the beautiful Esalen Institute for the month of September. I am excited to take a leadership workshop with one of my mentors, Suzanne Scurlock. This is a work study arrangement, I will going as a work scholar. I will be working in the Farm and Garden, as well as the kitchen and housekeeping with all the other twenty-somethings who are just now trying to find themselves. This is an opportunity to stay for the entire month in the most breath taking place on the planet. I have always wanted to do this and the time is right now. I am blessed to find this space in my life where I am no longer responsible for anyone or anything but myself. While the fact that we should only be responsible for ourselves is true, in a woman's life there are many roles that are so interconnected with others, it can be difficult to release ourselves to the care of only our own hearts. So in the true spirit of Esalen, I will shed my roles, remove the masks and reconnect with only that which is really me to recharge and renew before the next big leap. I have purchased my return ticket, for those of my clients who were wondering. I will touch back down in early Oct with client bookings available Tuesday Oct 8. My friend and personal therapist Rob, will be available for anyone who needs a good massage while I am away. I highly recommend him. But until then I still have limited openings in my August schedule still available. If you have been thinking of getting in, now is the time. Use the online scheduler to book. My plan is to post a couple of blog posts a week while I am away. To invite you to explore my Paradise on the Edge. Peace Jacqui

My view while dining on the Lodge Deck
